姚 姗 姗         女          特聘副研究员

单 位 :北京邮电大学

邮 箱 :ssyao@ustc.edu.cn

English Version


2020.07 -- 2022.07  博士后          中国科学技术大学数学系      [ 指导老师 :陈发来教授 ]
2015.09 -- 2020.07  理学博士      中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院      [ 指导老师 :贾晓红研究员 ]
2010.09 -- 2014.07 理学学士      山东师范大学




1. Singularity Computation for Rational Parametric Surfaces Using Moving Planes
Xiaohong Jia, Falai Chen and Shanshan Yao.

ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 42(1), article 12, 1-14, 2022.
2. Topological Classification and Determination of Non-Degenerate Intersections of two Dupin cyclides

Shanshan Yao and Xiaohong Jia.

Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 153, 2022.
3. µ-Bases for Rational Canal Surfaces

Shanshan Yao, Xiaohong Jia.

Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2019, 69(FEB.):11-26.
4. A package to compute implicit equations for rational curves and surfaces.

Shanshan Yao, Yifei Feng, Xiaohong Jia, Liyong Shen.

ACM Communications in Computer Algebra, 2019, 53(2):33-36. [Code]